Breastfeeding is the best for babies and a healthy diet / maternal nutrition is important when breastfeeding. A decision not to breastfeed can be difficult to reverse. Infant formula is suitable from birth when babies are not breastfed. It is recommended that all formula milks be used on the advice of a doctor, midwife, health visitor, public health nurse, dietitian, pharmacist, or other professional responsible for maternal and child care and the financial implications should be considered. All preparation and feeding instructions should be followed carefully as inappropriate preparation could lead to health hazards.

22 Weeks Pregnant

Your baby’s development

Your tiny baby isn’t so tiny any more. At 27 to 28cm long, they now weigh around 9oz. As their hearing and recognition improves, they’re becoming more responsive to your voice. Their face and body look much more like those of a newborn, although their skin is still transparent and they haven’t yet developed a layer of fat.

You & your body

During pregnancy, skin retains more water making it look more youthful, plumper and fresher and because your blood circulation has increased, skin looks rosier too. That’s why many moms are described as having a healthy pregnancy bloom.

On the other hand, pregnancy can also bring on acne due to the higher levels of hormones encouraging our skin to produce more sebum. Just enough sebum keeps skin supple but too much causes pores to become blocked, resulting in greasy skin and spots. If you’re suffering from pimples, clean your skin regularly with a gentle cleanser and use an oil-free moisturiser. Avoid rubbing or squeezing the skin and it’s also advisable not to use acne creams unless your doctor prescribes them for you. A few weeks after delivery, your skin should return to its pre-pregnancy condition.

Skin also tends to become more sensitive during pregnancy, not only due to higher hormone levels, but because it has become more stretched and delicate. If you’re suffering from irritated or dry skin, stay out of the sun or wear a high-factor sunscreen and keep your skin well moisturised – perhaps use a bath emollient oil too. Stick to wearing natural fabrics next to your skin such as cotton or linen and if you suspect that something is causing your irritation, try to identify and then avoid it – could it be the washing powder or perfume you use?

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